Title: The Long Road
scowilily Rating: PG
Pairing: Alan/Kevin
Summary: The love story of Alan Bradley. AU
Author's Note: Hoo-boy. Alan throws himself where angels fear to tread, and so do I. I've rewritten this piece two or three times; I'm still not completely happy with it. But "...we must move forward, not backward, upward not forward, and always
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Like everyone else has said, i really liked the little fandom details as well. The apple thing in particular was beautiful.
And, oh, the way Kevin and Alan play off each other is just heartbreaking. Can't wait to see what happens on the Grid now!
Yeah, there's the notion here (underplayed imo, but there) that Alan's looking for fuel for his addictions... work, coffee, alcohol, Kevin... while Kevin himself is trying to limit his to what's necessary to remain whole/sane. I was rewatching Requiem for a Dream at some point, so I blame that.
And, yes, there's plenty of Grid action coming up. I'm hoping to do my own slant on it, though.
Oh! and I should mention: I read your piece on cake. I've hardly had any time between the ski trip and getting sick (and writing omg), but I had a lot of fun reading that. There's the "the cake is a lie" thing, and there's also this comic, which I'd just read recently:
The God of Cake
So I was pretty ecstatic about the whole cake-icing hotness. Just thought you should know :D
That is... wow I am in love the idea of it! I think it just adds that extra little layer of angst (which makes this chapter all the more wonderful) to those little moments when Kevin obviously can't help himself (also? that kissing scene? SO HOT). Ouch ouch ouch. Oh, boys.
So looking forward to the next chapter now! LOL no pressure :)
So I was pretty ecstatic about the whole cake-icing hotness. Just thought you should know :D
*shuffles feet* Aww, thank you so much for saying so! I'm glad it worked for you :D Also, yay for Hyperbole and a Half! Loving the wolf pack comic at the moment, but the God of Cake never fails to crack me up.
(I think I missed have missed adding you on the friending meme back on Tron Slash... friends?)
>>to those little moments when Kevin obviously can't help himself<<
Hehehe, now Alan just needs to figure that part out (and the reasons behind it).
ps. Can't wait to read more of your tasty awesomeness! I will be watching XD
You tease XD Seriously, so excited for whatever's to come next!
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