So, I was waiting for strat design group to get here, and flitted over to BBC. Read a couple articles (aurora borealis, "dirty" oil, Obama stuff) ... Popped over to a story about Michelle Obama's role as First-Mom, etc., and stumbled upon a link to and these two stories:
"First Lady Got Back""Bush is Back!" Kudos to writing columns and having opinions, but sheesh. Not that Salon is particularly the most news-worthy site, but I still don't really feel that those stories belonged on the front page (both saw time there). That silly "what is journalism" and "what is news" debate continues to flourish. Journalism means something different to every single person - it kind of seems ridiculous to try and have classes about it. To me, news is any bit of true information that relates to or intrigues people. So, pretty much anything is news. Yay.
On another note, Wall Street Journal, in its infinite fabulousness, published this article today:
"When the Going Gets Tough, Some People Lay Off the Nanny" was wondering about this a couple days ago, and had seen some preliminary coverage, but nothing major. Maybe nice to localize to CoMO and talk to local babysitters and nannies and see if it's the same deal? We'll see.
Last story:
"MU aims to snuff out smoking on campus by 2014"