RoDeO '05 i'm going to marry a cowboy

Mar 20, 2005 22:14

now if you’re a Texan chick like me and kendall, you know you gotta rock it with your roots at least once a year and kick it down rodeo style. march 19th featured notorious clint black (who the mess is that??), rodeo finals, un pastel de funnel, nosotros hablamos en español, an adventure into the fifth ward, having an almost near-death experience with the rear-end of a cow, and much much more.
please have patience as I recount the adventure using as many pictures as possible. sorry, but this’ll take a while..

we get to eat el pastel de funnel!!!!! (funnel cake)

that is one hawt cowgirl there

4000 turkey legs. ewwwwwwwwwwww. if you're in my english class, then you realize how absolutely DISGUSTING those things are!!

alright, so since we spent the whole evening chitchattin it up in espanol, you can imagine our excitement in seeing a ferris wheel with a spanish name. hooray!

i stole this pic from kendall. her mommy took it of us and i loved it b/c it was so artsy.


what a cutie! little boy, you are awesome. fly away to neverland and never grow up because you are too adorable.

my attempt at an artsy photo


HOOK'EM!!!!!! i mean.. uhh.... go sooners?

hooray for the rodeo!!!! i LOVE those bareback bronco riders :) i cant decide if i want to be a bronco rider, or just marry a cowboy. which do you think?

bassists rock my world

oooh pretty stage

kendall's mommy liked clint black. her dad looked very bored.

kendall liked clint black too.

i thought he looked like george dubya, but i still rocked it out 2-step style

hahahaahha this little girl and her dad were my amusement for the show. they kept dancing and swinging lightbulb thingies and she even put a fuzzy hat on his bald head. it was awesome.

hmm and that is all for now. it was fun. but now i've gotta go get ready to decorate kennie's car for her 17th birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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