So much has changed

Aug 07, 2004 02:20

I went for a drive and so much has changed. i saw a house that i had a lot of memories in has been torn down. there was still the water tower out back that had I <3 Brent on it. i had a lot of fun out there. made me wish i could go back in time and live it again. although i wouldn't change how it happened for i like the wa things are now and i don't want that to change. there where a lot of first times out there though. i was just driving to, i didn't mean to drive by there, i was just driving cuz there was no one online and i just wanted to leave. i drove by and realized that i didn't see the house so i did a U turn and went back. there was nothing but that water tower. my first love lived there, and i almost cryed when i saw it was all gone. :( i still miss her even with what she did to me. PLEASE some one get on line. i am thinking and that is not a good thing right now. i HATE BEING ALONE. where is every one. *pulls what hair is left out*
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