sn100 challenge #131: Opposites

Oct 15, 2006 22:25

Siegel’s Theory

It started with a conversation about art, of all things. Casey had asked about the latest obscure quote on Dan’s refrigerator, launching Dan into a tangled, passionate explanation of repose and energy, grace and seriousness.

The sun slants through the window, and Danny’s face is lightness and darkness. Casey is dizzy with the beauty of making one of opposites.

Suddenly his left hand is resting on Dan’s cheek, his right hand is pinning Dan’s arms to the wall, and his mouth is kissing its way along Dan’s neck. Universe and object, he whispers to a surprised Danny.

danny's quote: In reality opposites are one; art shows this. ~ Eli Siegel

for the fifteen questions about making opposites one, go to

fic, danny, sports night, sn100

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