So welcome to 2006, its the very latest thing in the Years department apparently. It comes equipped with 12 months, 52 weeks, 1 birthday and no extra baggage, so its not a bad deal. Hope you all enjoyed it (Though not too much, if you got up to go the loo and woke up on the grass outside a pub in Amsterdam then you had had TOO MUCH by that point.) and that your all safe. Though not much sense asking that as theres only like 3 people who read this, and im spoken to all of you, so if anythings happened in the mean time, its not my fault.
So ive had a VERY uneventful day today, refused to do anything at all due to the date (Friday The 13th for those of you looking confused.) and i am still alive and kicking as of 18:48, though Annie has decided were going out for dinner, so this may be my last update for awhile. If you dont hear anything from me, send chocolates and grapes to A&E, Arrow Park Hospital, Upton, Wirral.
New Years was interesting. Nadja, Annies ex-Soviet schoolfriend, came over for her 2 weeks from Germany, and she seemed to enjoy herself. For New Years proper Mike came up, along with Ape from Manchester, Dave who i went to school with (Though were still in the same country as each other, and the school we went too.) my brother, his girlfriend and my sister. My brother enjoyed himself, turned up, got given alcohol and then dissapeared into the next room with his gf. No-one saw him after that. Bastich. Ape passed out on the sofa by about 11pm, and had to be woken up for the 10 second countdown to new years. He was back asleep and snoring like a garroted warthog within 5 seconds of the year starting though. Awake just long enough to down his champagne. Annie and Mike were shocked to see me drink a glass of champagne at new years, as its the first time ive drank (That theyve seen) in over 3 years. I guess the bit were i said i drink on special occasions by-passed them. =P
In "Annoying Retard" news Annie is now the proud owner of 2 kittens, a boy (Maurice) and a girl (Pie), who appear to be suffering brain damage. Pie is suffering from Schitzophrenia, and is therefore unable to sit still for more than about 6 nanoseconds, before deciding that *Insert random inanimate object* is looking at her funny and therefore must be attacked for 15 minutes. When she is sat still and looking at you, you can tell by looking at her face that your voice isnt the only one she is hearing.....
Maurice is far more relaxed, though he has his moments of insanity too. His chilled state may be due to the times ive stood on him/kicked him in the face with my boots/cracked his head into a wall/punched him on the nose/hit him with the dull end of the ironing board. All of which were accidental. Well apart from the punching thing. But he started it. He also only recently worked out that jumping from high places means you use your feet and NOT your face to land. So maybe he didnt notice all my kicking that much then.
Not much else to report really. Have booked off some holidays so that we can go away at the start of February (Glasgow, Scottish scag #2 Birthday, mcw00tage) and then at the end for a trip to see the In-Laws (Latvia, better brush up on my Russian. Or just forget the Russian i know...)
"Stop waving your ankle at me. Wrist. Whatever!! The jointy bit on the end of the dangly bit!! Why do you medical types have to be so particular?"
"Inside every normal person is a gamer trying to role 2D6 to get out."
"Surely that means you were left with santas empty sack? And the meanings behind that sentance boggle the mind."
"Sprechen Sie bullshit?"
"Im gonna kick some MRSA down the stairs."
"Wake up,and face me,
Dont play dead, cause maybe,
Someday, I will walk away,
And say you dissapoint me,
Maybe your better off this way."