Oct 24, 2004 16:05
Went to see AvP last night! Given that it was directed by Paul S. Anderson, and therefore he's only made 1 decent film, and then a whole bunch of other films that the term 'Shite' would be kind to describe i didnt have high hopes exactly. And that was probably for the best.
It started out quite slowly, with the somewhat flimsy plot bringing a bunch of people together to go find this big ass sandcastle hidden under some ice on an island in the antarctic. Things quite quickly go from bad to worse, with the arrival of the intergalactic rasta's, the dumb humans tripping a timer to seal the Pyramid, and the obvious arrival of the Aliens. The set up is somewhat dodgy it must be said, but then theres only so many ways you can really trap people in the same area with the bugs and preds. And at the end of the day, the film is called Aliens vs. Predator, and that is what people wanna see. And so thats where the film gets it "Kickass" factor from. Yes, the plot is dodgy, yes, the acting isnt so hot, yes, seeing preds and aliens smacking the poop out of each other is one of the best things to ever be filmed. The first time where the Preds and Aliens face off to each other the urge to go "Sqweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" in a high pitched voice and wave a little flag with "Whooo" on it was almost too much. Similarily the urge to shout "Camping bastard" was strong later on. The first and last third of the film seemed to work very well, but the middle seemed a tad rushed. But the other 2 parts work well enough to make up for it i think. But COME ON!! Aliens running up walls, striking from the shadows, headbiting shit and generally being sneaky bastards, Preds looking hard and ambushing people, and humans firing blindly and getting picked off by the previously mentioned two. This is about the 2 biggest monsters going at it, and thats what you get, so no-one should complain. There are a few problems with it, but if treated as just an enjoyable movie it will rock. If the first fight scene doesnt leave you bouncing with adrenaline, then your not human!
Niggly geek issues aside, there isnt too much wrong with AvP, so sit back, turn off brain and enjoy.
"Well, yeah, it is a good thing, cos' this is like finding Mose's DVD collection."