
Feb 23, 2011 05:15

Right so I was sitting on the train back to Liverpool from visiting my mates and had a double table seat to myself. I think it was at Crewe (no idea why he was there, it's hardly a sight to behold and Crewe's football team is shite.) and a man sat next to me. I didn't look over because a) who really does that and b) I'm the type of person who accidentally looks when people are writing personal emails or something. Anyway I was playing footy manager on my laptop and he got his laptop out next to me. I still had absolutely noooo idea who it was at this point. Oh god I just remembered, at first when he got on the train my bag was next to me on the seat because it was pretty empty so he was like hovering around (I assumed he was looking in his bag) and then he finally asked if anyone was sitting in my bags seat. Howwwww I avoided realising it was him through that I have no idea. Anyway that was mildly awkward but we got over it and sat there soundly. At one point I noticed he was watching that koptalk guy or whatever he's called on youtube so I was guessing he was a Liverpool fam, that's the first clue but come on, there are literally millions of us. Then I happened to go 1-0 up in footy manager and a slight fist pump followed, he kind of looked over and smiled but I still had absolutely no idea who it was. Thennnnn as we approached Lime Street (the Liverpool station) he went to get his bags down and stuff and I realised. Ok I wasn't exactly star struck but I mildly gasped so to cover it up pretended it was to do with conceding an equaliser (I DIDN'T, HAAA BIRMINGHAM ARE OUT THE CUP). Basically after that I said his name (definitely pronounced it wrong) and got talking to him for like a minute. He was boss and friendly but the chat was very limited as we were about to get off the train and also he had to get all his bags together and stuff. I wasn't brave enough to ask for a photo but I did take one of him...however bad that sounds it had to be done. I thought he was someone who pretty much made up rumours but after him getting all the Judas information early on I guess he knows a few things. Definitely the best Spanish football related person I've met face to face.
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