Those twats..

Oct 29, 2009 23:41

Right, this is starting to piss me off.

I see so many lads wearing these hats, indoors and outdoors.

I want to rip them off the heads of lads I see walking in them, along with their hair, they deserve it for having them on their heads. Fair enough if someone wears one outdoors to keep warm (WITH IT PULLED DOWN PROPERLY, NOT HALF OFF WITH A FLAP OF MATERIAL HANGING DOWN SHOWING THEY'RE A PRICK) but having them on inside is ridiculous. In my lecture on Wednesday I think I saw 10 lads wearing them, that's just not on.

In conclusion, if you have a boyfriend, a brother, a cousin or a male friend who wears those hats (or if you see any guy wearing one in the street), tell them to get those tosser devices off their heads.

Those hats result in 'Those twats'.
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