Feb 09, 2008 17:15
All I have to say is that the next time I see Liam's face, I'm kicking him in the arse. He promised me the spell would work - I should have known he was lying.
I guess there's nothing to be done for it now, except to find out what's what about this place.
There must be a way out of here somehow, there's got to be. If I've learned nothing else from Da, it's that there's always a way out. You've just got to find out what the Other Side wants, promise it to them, get what you need and get out before they've realize all they've got is the mystical equivalent of 'Jam it sideways, luv'.
Though come to think of it, I've also learned that sort of thing tends to bite you on the arse when you least expect it, so maybe I shouldn't go that way.
No, I think I've got to get comfortable with this place, learn all the rules first, before trying to do anything else.
Scratch that. First, I need a beer. Then I can start exploring.
beyond the rift: paper journal