200 Things It Took 17 Years To Learn

Jun 30, 2005 19:25

1. Boys suck.

2. Girls suck just as much if not more.

3. Once again, anything with a penis deserves to have it cut off.

4. It's really depressing when you resort to old ways to make yourself happy, even if it hurts yourself.

5. Smoking is bad.

6. Playing cards with Cait is pretty much a lost cause unless she drunk cause she always wins when she's sober.

7. Beauty is only skin deep.

8. Having a heart means lots of heart break.

9. Sometimes listening to emotional music means getting even MORE emotional than you were in the first place.

10. If it weren't for sex, the human race would be extinct, an I would be happy.

11. Boys only want things that girls don't want to have to tolerate or give.

12. People generally want things that they can't or shouldn't have.

13. Even over the counter drugs don't solve lifes problems.

14. Even if beauty is only skin deep, it's everywhere.

15. Looks can be decieving

16. Even those who are "perfect" want to be someone else.

17. Honesty is the best policy. ...Even if you do end up getting your ass kicked...

18. People who lie are usually very not so self-confident

19. People who beat around the bush are lazy and insecure as well.

20. People who come back to me obviously know my weakness and that I can't say no to a helpless soul.

21. There is something REALLY unattractive about a desperate person.

22. Maybe what's unattractive about a desperate person is that they are desperate.

23. Self confidence is the greatest weapon of all

24. You are more likely to have others believe in yourself if YOU believe in yourself.

25. Sex is over rated.

26. So is the opposite sex.

27. Just because you don't talk to someone for a long time doesn't mean they aren't still your best friend.

28. Dogs really are mans best friend

29. Competitive sports are over rated.

30. So are sports in general.

31. According to ESPN, chearleading is a sport, but dancing isn't.

32. The only person who will ever understand you will never say they do, have, or will.

33. When a guy wants to take you to coffee, he want's more than just the coffee.

34. When a guy randomly shows up at your house, he just wants sex.

35. ...Esspecially when the condom is in his front pocket instead of residing in his wallet in his BACK pocket.

36. When a guy doesn't call you for a week, he's not gonna call you for a lot more weeks.

37. Just because your parents are mean, doesn't mean they don't love you.

38. You can have friends of the opposite sex.

39. They are worthy of your love too.

40. Girls will always be backstabbers.

41. Some girls just know how to control their backstabbing urges.

42. Everyone hates drama.

43. But without drama, there would be no point to life.

44. People often run to old relationships because it's comfortable territory.

45. Even if both sides have changed.

46. Just because it exists doesn't mean you have to use it.

47. Time is the best medication for life

48. If you ignore someone or something, it usually goes away and leaves you alone.

49. Unless that something or someone is annoying and persistant, in which case means they should be shot.

50. A swift kick to the crotch solves everything.

51. "No" always means "no.

52. But sometimes "maybe" can mean "yes".

53. If you can't take it, don't dish it.

54. If you can't take it and aren't dishing it, it sucks to be you.

55. No one is perfect.

56. Except me. (just kidding!)

57. Blonde hair never looks good with dark eye brows

58. Check the date before you eat it

59. Mexican food gives everyone gas.

60. Everything always goes well when planned.

61. At least until the very last minute.

62. The opposite sex is always ones biggest fear and weakness.

63. Yet we love them anyways.

64. "Just ass" always leads to something else.

65. Everyone loves hugs and chocolate.

66. Sex = kids.

67. Don't want kids, don't have sex.

68. Cheaters will always be cheaters.

69. "I love you" doesn't equal sex.

70. But condoms do!

71. Sharp objects are sharp.

72. Food poisoning is inevitable

73. Babies are cute when they are someone elses

74. Males will forever be oblivious to the female mind.

75. But as far as women think, women have men all figured out.

76. Jansport® backpacks last the longest.

77. If you want back problems, go to high school.

78. Carpel tunnel syndrome is caused by repetitive motions of the wrist.

79. All music is emotional.

80. So if you hate "emo" music, shut up, choke on your words, and live in silence for all eternity.

81. Eyes really are the window of the soul.

82. Just because someone thinks you are wrong doesn't mean you are.

83. Never underestimate yourself.

84. Never underestimate me.

85. If it hurts, don't do it.

86. If your at someone elses house and you don't like the food, suck it up.

87. A good friend lets you vent on them.

88. A good friend vents with you.

89. Relationships are over rated.

90. But only when you are being used, abused, raped, neglected, controled, cheated on, or you aren't compatible.

91. It's scary when horoscopes are right.

92. Especially when they are bad.

93. Chewing food helps the swallowing process.

94. I really wanna be a pig in my next life. (If you don't get it, ask me to explain.)

95. Explaining things is harder than one would assume.

96. Excuses are just that - excuses.

97. History repeats itself far too often.

98. Drugs are bad.

99. Very bad.

100. Boys will be boys.

101. Promises should always be kept.

102. Those who don't keep their promises should be shot.

103. Just because you are lonely doesn't mean you are alone.

104. We all say things we don't mean.

105. Liars suck.

106. If you lie, you are going to hell.

107. Actions really do speak louder than words.

108.14. Good things happen to good people.

108.28. Good things happen to bad people.

108.42. Bad things happen to good people.

108.57. Bad things happen to bad people.

108.71. Good people happen to bad people.

108.85. Bad people happen to good people.

109. I think we get that things and people happen.

110. Karma is a bitch.

111. Religion is really opinionated considering it shouldn't be.

112. People have a hard time accepting change.

113. Probably because people fear change.

114. If you talk to plants, they grow faster.

115. Plants grow even faster when you name them. (I have a vine named Francis.)

116. You make more money pushing papers than doing manual labor.

117. Fat in certain spots is attractive.

118. Good things don't usually last forever.

119. But they can last a long time.

200. Forever could end tomorrow.
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