Title: The Traumatic Act of Parental Nookie, as Witnessed by Sam Winchester
scourgeofeuropeRating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Mary, Sam, Dean, mention of John, (Mary/John, obvs.)
Genre: Gen
Word Count: 2575
Timeline/Universe: This takes place in the Mary 'verse I started so long ago, after 5.13. It's all vague and ambiguous and probably comes off as
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back, if only because it would soften it all up a little bit.
I can say that I will try to write more little snippets if I can get some feeling back into me. This was written back in March or something like that, so it's been a really long time. But, yes, if I can, more Dean and Mary and potentially tomato-rice soup and Hey Jude and Mom-and-Dean days and the lot. Ahaha. I like how the idea of Mom-and-Dean days crack me up, just because I had a male friend in high school whose mother had certain days of the month she proclaimed Mom-and-Andrew days, a form of bonding, I suppose, because both were rather emotionally destitute people who you wouldn't expect to have such days. I always imagined them at restaurants in cool silence sipping soup from their spoons and avoiding eye contact at all costs, until the inevitable bribing of a large present in exchange for a better SAT score.
I have no idea why I just told you that story, but the memory of this supposition has left me with a nostalgic smile.
I was thinking something along the lines of feverish, congested Dean, hacking away in the back seat. He's a badass!hunter for goodness' sake...but he just wants his mommy to rub his achy head and feed him soup. Mary can let Sammy ride shotgun, so she can sit in the back and let her baby rest his head on her shoulder. (sigh)
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