trans9 app

Jun 24, 2010 23:23

Your name: Kay
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Your AIM, MSN, or Yahoo handle: Brolocaust

Character's name: Dread Commander Seviilia Brightwing (Or, just Seviilia)
Character's LJ:
Character's canon: Warcraft
Brief (around 300 words) personality outline of your character: Seviilia has all the arrogance of an elf and all the callousness of a redeemed Death Knight. She is very quick to make judgments on others and not as swift to revise them without given reason. By elven standards, she is quite old at about 326 so she has seen much and will often not take bullshit from someone younger than her. This is the side of her most presented to the general public.

However, if one managed to see passed her aggressive front, one may realize that she's not entirely the Frigid Bitch of the West that she tries to make herself. The fall of Silvermoon cost her everything she held dear and she is very hesitant to build relationships for fear of losing them again. She also recognizes that she is, in essence, a war machine and if the Lich King were ever to rise to power again that she could very well be turned on anyone she was once close to.

She has a hidden soft spot for the unfortunate souls of Azeroth and has a bit of a tendency to motherhen those folk, especially if they have any elven heritage like herself. Seviilia rarely discriminates between Quel'dorei, Sin'dorei, and Kaldorei though she favors the Sin'dorei, as they were the people she spent the most time with. However, in doing so, she is quite harsh and often unrelenting until she is comfortable enough to soften her step.

Amidst this, Seviilia is also quite sadistic and devious in nature, especially when dealing with her enemies. She is not below the most underhanded of tricks and venom when dealing with someone she doesn't like or approve of. To say she embraces her undead 'heritage' would be inaccurate -- she loathes the creature she's been warped into, but her self-loathing wouldn't stop her from exploiting all tools at her disposal.

All in all, Seviilia is a very bitter woman who would like nothing more than to lay dead where the Lich King had left her. But, as the luxury is absent, she makes it a point to be the biggest pain in the ass possible, unless there is some promise of profit by being polite. After all, nobility requires some point of diplomacy.

Brief (around 500 words) history and background of your character OR link to a really good wiki page with their history. In either case, explain where they cut off from the timeline: Seviilia was born into House Brightwing to a very caring mother and father. Being the only female in a family of six, Seviilia was certainly a spoiled little girl. She rarely left the sight of her two eldest brothers until she was an adult, trained in the arts of being a mage. She was an important council in the conclave of Magisters through most of her years until her mother and father passed away, leaving her to care for her youngest brother Kyrael while her older brothers built families.

Even in caring for the crippled Kyrael (who was vision impaired and slow on his limbs from birth complications), Seviilia found time to pursuit her own romantic interests: a spellbreaker by the name of Toradaen Dawnsinger. The months between went by very quietly and Seviilia found herself quite happy where she was -- until one day.

The day the Scourge marched.

She had been out on a walk with Toradaen. The rumor mill had spread and she already knew what was to come: he had brought her out to Eversong Woods to propose. However, as they wandered out of the City and through the wood, Toradaen noticed something was off. The woods were often lively, as they were enchanted to remain in eternal summer, and yet here the fauna was absent. It was then that the couple was beset by the stench of undead, though by then it was too late. Seviilia was swept off her feet by a pack of geists and pinned to prevent her from spellcasting. Unarmed, Toradaen could only shriek in rage and terror until his cries were silenced by the large cleaver of an abomination. Both elves died of their wounds within short time.

Seviilia's body, however, was not left to rest. As Arthas continued his march, making more soldiers of the fallen for his armies, he picked a handful to be raised as Death Knights -- undead champions of the Lich King, like himself, powered by runic magic. She found herself bent to the Lich King's will, her own free will lost when undeath was bestowed upon her.

After Silvermoon was desecrated, there is little the elf would be able to recall before the assault on New Avalon, a town that housed a group of zealous holy worshipers known as the Scarlet Crusade. What she does know is that she was stationed in Icecrown with her own small band of ghouls and death knights. The power she held in Silvermoon offered potential as far as leadership went, and thus the title of Dread Commander was bestowed upon her. Her time under the Lich King's sway comes and goes in bits and pieces, and asking her to recall full sections of her life often is met with anger and frustration.

When the necropolis Acherus was stationed over the Eastern Plaguelands, Seviilia and her small squad were relocated there under Highlord Darion Mograine to establish a stronger footing for the Scourge where the Crusade had moved in. It was also conveniently located above Light's Hope Chapel (an outpost for the Scourge opposition, the Argent Dawn). A battle raged swiftly, as the town had many civilians in it as opposed to soldiers and the Scourge claimed victory without too much trouble. With New Avalon purged of all life, the Scourge turned to Light's Hope Chapel.

The assault was a brutal one, and for a period it appeared as if the Scourge would emerge victorious. However, when the Lich King appeared on the scene after Darion could no longer control his runeblade, something kept him from approaching. A powerful well of holy energy known as the Light of Dawn was unleashed to defend the Chapel and the Scourge could not approach. It was at that moment that the knights of Acherus were freed from the Lich King's hold, Seviilia included. Cutting his losses, the Lich King fled back to Icecrown Citadel and left the liberated knights to swear their allegiance to Azeroth and to see his fall.

Seviilia spent much of her time extending her hand to the Forsaken and Sin'dorei alike while the onslaught of Icecrown Citadel was being mounted by the Argent Crusade and the liberated knights, now called the Knights of the Ebon Blade. However, while defending the horde, Seviilia's squad slowly parted ways as some went to find their way back amongst normal society. Along the way, she stumbled upon a misbegotten Sin'dorei paladin by the name of Aelaidas Sunsorrow, who was lamenting about missed opportunities. Angered by the life he took for granted and that she no longer had the luxury of, Seviilia took him under her wing and vowed to make him appreciate what he had in front of him -- to look at the present and less towards the past.

The longer it took, the more Seviilia realized she was slipping back to her old ways -- the ways the Scourge had taught her in terms of mercy and taking without remorse. In an effort to protect the only friend she had, she began to distance herself from everything and everyone, which only served to make the problem worse. It wasn't long before she was cast out from the Knights of the Ebon Blade, leaving her a rogue death knight wandering Icecrown. But that wouldn't stop her from proving herself. Slipping in amongst the attack, Seviilia assisted in breaking the doors to the Citadel open and swore her axe to the cause. With the combined efforts of the Horde, Alliance, Argent Crusade and Knights of the Ebon Blade, the Lich King's reign ended. But death did not reembrace Seviilia as she thought it would -- with the overmind gone, an invisible weight lifted itself from her shoulders.

But it wasn't enough -- she would return to Azeroth as the same woman she had been since her raising, but with a sense of knowing that she would walk the waking world for the rest of its existence until someone stronger came along to put her down.

And she had little intention of seeing that to fruition.

Sample post (just a general, everyday, puttering-around-the-ship post; please include a snippet of dialogue):

Seviilia was quite used to seeing things move that shouldn't have been doing so. However, her experience with the undead couldn't have possibly prepared her for a living, breathing vessel.

It would have been one thing, of course, if it were a drake, or a gryphon or something similar, but it wasn't. The closest comparable thing would have been those contraptions the goblins had insisted on using to transport the Horde from Kalimdor to the Eastern Kingdoms and vice-versa. She had never been fond of them.

"Give me Icestrike any day of the week," Seviilia sniffed to herself, nose wrinkling in distaste. If there was one thing she had learned to do, it was adapt. How different could this all have been from the portals that lead to Draenor (Outland, she reminded herself)? "Once again a damsel who never asked to be rescued -- I suppose this is going to be a recurring pattern," the death knight would mumble bitterly before about-facing in a practiced military fashion. She'd follow the halls until they lead her to something -- preferably something she could carve without incurring unnecessary wrath.

If the character has magic, mutant, or otherwise metahuman abilities, please explain what they are and outline EXACTLY how they function, as their powers may not work due to the nature of the ship or may need to be limited somehow:

Death Knights use what is called Runic Magic, which is essentially channeled through their weapons (aptly named "Runeblades") and through their blood. That being said, their weapon is as much apart of them as any vital organ. Runic Magic can be manipulated in various ways, most notable being the ability to create disease. Seviilia has mastered all three schools of runic magic at some point in her life (Unholy, Frost, and Blood), though she is most skilled in the former two of the three.

Unholy is just as it sounds -- unholy. This school allows her to create disease and raise the dead into undead minions. Of course, necromancy requires a body of some kind (or, in some cases, just some corpse dust -- it varies on the complexity of the ressurection. The more she has, the better the specimen).

Frost allows Seviilia to ward herself against attacks -- its not foolproof, but being undead allows her to coat her armor in a thick layer of ice that will absorb a percentage of damage. It also allows her to freeze the minds of others and interrupt spellcasting, should they attempt to harm her.

Blood allows her to heal herself and, in rare cases, others for small amounts. The trick with blood magic is that it cannot simply be conjured. To give to others means she has to take from herself and vice versa.

To sum it all up -- much of the magic is defensive in nature, aside from diseases and her weaponry skills.

Non-superhuman special abilities of note (Is your character a master ventriloquist? A naturally-occurring super-genius? The best martial artist in the world? Say so here): Seviilia has a strong knowledge of military tactics and a natural affinity for blade-based combat. Also, being an elf (even a dead one), she is highly sensative to magic.
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