Dear Yuletide Writer-Person,
Thank you for writing for one of my requests, and I hope you have fun with it! First off, I fully believe that optional details are optional. If you have an idea for a fic that you love, please run with it - I think people generally have the best fest experiences when they go with their instincts rather than worrying too much about their recipient's every whim. If you write a story about the characters below, I'm pretty much guaranteed to be giddy, so don't bother too much about me.
That said, if you want to learn more about the kind of fics I like, I collect recs on
my Delicious account. I'm very sporadic in my fic writing, but what I have is listed
in this entry.
In general, things that I like to read are: plot, porn (though I prefer the former to the latter if it comes down to a choice), gen, femmeslash, slash, het, silliness, banter and other entertaining forms of dialogue, hookups without tons of emotional encumbrance, comfortable established relationships, adventures, time travel, AUs of all varieties, crossovers, backstory, future-fic, superpowers (particularly, the way superpowers affect elements of a character's everyday life, including the sexual), enthusiastic consent.
Things that I do not enjoy as much include: non-con, animal harm (I believe any book in which the dog dies should come with a warning label), angst.
My specific requests are below:
Astro City: Infidel/Samaritan. These two have the perfect hero/archenemy relationship - completely opposing worldviews but with a ton of respect for each other. I'd love slash here, but gen would be great too. I'd like to see a memorable dinner, or something set in one of the many crazy timelines they create or maybe something that involved characters from the greater Astro City universe (I pretty much love all of the Astro City characters and would like to know more about them, so I'm not picky).
I am completely in love with the Samaritan one-shot, and the Infidel and Samaritan relationship it introduced. Anything that gives me more of these two will make me enormously happy.
(Note: I feel like the Astro City creators walk a pretty fine line with Infidel's character. I ultimately feel like they do a good job with making him a fully realized character, and that Samaritan's actions are cast in a light that is almost as morally ambiguous as his own. However, there is something troubling about the use of Orientalist imagery here, and his opposition to Samaritan, the all-American white dude. Basically, I'm looking for a story that continues to show him as an intelligent human being, not one that uses ooky stereotypes of his racial or religious identity.)
Nextwave: Elsa Bloodstone/Tabitha Smith. Anything that keeps within the tone of the series - i.e. silliness is encouraged, nothing too serious. Femslash is awesome, or gen with crazy missions or cracked out backstory. Possible things I would like to see: Tabitha forcing Elsa into her version of a girls' night out; an ensemble series-style story complete with an enemy from the stranger parts of the Marvel universe; Tabitha and Elsa meet up post-series, intentionally or not.
I really loved the interactions these two had in the comic - there personalities couldn't be more different, but they are brought together by a love of violence and explosions. By the by, if you should decide you want to bring in some goofiness from the edges of Marvel, my favorite resource for this is
The Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe. (Note: I'm not saying you need to use this; I am saying you can waste days of your life perusing this site (and I have).)
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (comic): Orlando/Mina Murray/Allan Quatermain. I really want to read more about the polyamorous adventures of Orlando, Mina and Allan. I would love to read something set in any one of the time periods and places this basically immortal trio lives through. Expanding on one of the episodes alluded to in the appendices (travelogues, Black Dossier, Minions of the Moon, etc.) would be fun, as would having them interact with some literary/pulp character or event we haven't yet seen in the comics proper. Or if you want to scrap all that and just go for the sexy fun-times, I wouldn't object.
I love the fluidity of this trio - they are constantly evolving and adapting, I think, not only because of the way Orlando's gender transitions, but also because they are immortal - they take the way that any long-standing relationship evolves over time to new extremes. Also, what I love about League is that you can set fic in any time period after the beginning of the series (and before, for Orlando), and it's not AU. You can write basically any crossover, and it's not AU. So, have fun with absolutely no constraints, I say.
Daredevil (movie): Foggy Nelson. Foggy is a delightfully laidback, funny breath of fresh air in the Angsty World of Daredevil. Suggestions of things I'd potentially like to see: a day in the life of Foggy; backstory with Foggy and Matt setting up the law firm or their first meeting; Foggy/Matt UST or slash.
There can never be enough Foggy fic - anything that focuses on him will make me happy, just so long as he's his ebullient self. Foggy angst would make me cry! Foggy solo fic would be awesome, as would fic that incorporated Matt.