OK, when I realized that the show was picking up right where the last episode left off, rather than employing the usual "skip forward three months" motif, I was really excited. Would Zod run amok in Lex's body for a while? How long would Clark be stuck in the pocket dimension? Would we get to see the other characters having to deal with problems on their own, learning how much they've come to depend on Clark?
And we don't get any of that. Clark spends all of half an hour in the Hoth dimension, and he comes back to save the day and deals with Zod by the end of the episode.
Honestly, why set up all of this stuff if you're just going to write it all away over the course of the episode? It's like the writers got bored over the summer, and decided that they really couldn't deal with any of these hanging plot threads, and they'd much rather wrap it up so they could move on to a multiple episode Green Arrow storyline. (I have to admit, I'm kind of looking forward to the Green Arrow storyline, but this still pisses me off.)
I think the reason I keep watching this show (other than my masochism) is because it always has so much potential. There's always the slight hope that the writers will realize how much they could be doing, and make it into a decent show. And I'm just continually frustrated by how they refuse to do so.
On the plus side, Jimmy Olsen! Played by Iceman! How cute is he?
Callie is a hot, hot lady! And she and George are so sweet, and it made me really happy to see her gaining some power in the relationship this week.
Also the circumstances to get her to move into the intern house were sudden and odd, but I'm still kind of excited. Hijinks will ensue!
McDreamy makes me so mad, that I almost threw my shoe at the television screen. Seriously, it doesn't seem to have even occurred to him that he should have possibly told his wife he was breaking up with her before telling his girlfriend, and the Chief. And why does nobody think it's creepy that he pocketed Meredith's panties? Because that is not a ploy to tell your wife you're cheating on her, and it is not an expression of longing for a lady. That is just creepy. GUH.
The hollow lizard? Cutest thing ever.
The allancar with the eye patch? And the girl allancar? So hot!
I demand names and a color spread, now.