Children of the Revolution!
Vivent la vie de Bohème!
Beauty! Freedom! Truth! Love!
Ideals set forth by the early Bohemians, the artists, the dreamers.
Join the Libertine Asylum November 13th 2009 for a party to celebrate decadence, beauty and love.
Music, Fashion and a show.
Master of Ceremonies:
Dr. D. Volos Tinkerpaw
KMKostumesScoundrelle's KeepApaticoBlasphemina's ClosetMegan Maude Music:
Sawbones Perfomances by:
Kajal Bellydance Co.Tomahawk Tassels Revolutionary!
Photo Booth by Fairshadow Photography Sponsors:
Lucid AbsintheMixbeatNakamaconFairshadow PhotographyPhotosynthetique ImagingBionic UnicornBeing FabSteamworksThe Art of Meredith Dillman Charity Auction with proceeds going to the
Civil Society of MN.
Buy tickets: Tickets $15 in advance, $20 at the door
VIP available! $50-75 - Preferred seating, a bottle and giftbags!
Pretty clothes are encouraged. Period dress is appreciated. Fanciness is applauded. I expect to see all of my fancy friends there! Save yourself some money and buy tickets in advance- that way you can have some extra money for a frilly drink! VIP tickets are only available by pre-purchasing: none will be sold at the door. This will be an amazing event!