(no subject)

Feb 12, 2010 23:49

1) You know you have a petty small-town rivalry when you can't go to your neighbouring town without having chunks of ice repeatedly thrown at your head from cars driving by.

2) I made a friend! He's awesome. He's an Austrian exchange student, and in addition to speaking near-flawless English, he knows some Latin, he can juggle, do mad card tricks, and he's going into a squash tournament this weekend, when he has never played squash before in his life. I mean, he's great at tennis, but still. Never in his life. He's really shy, though, so I've decided I'm going to hook him up with one of my friends because he deserves a girlfriend who doesn't suck and my friend deserves a boyfriend who isn't an unlikable douchebag. Harry Potter movie marathon will be happening, oh yes, but does anyone know any new good German movies? Anyone? Seriously, I think it would be great to be able to watch a movie in German with him. Subtitles ftw!

3) I have read books! Some were good!

Kissing Kate was great. It was smart and subtle, and all the side characters were nicely developed. They all clearly had lives outside of the main character, but what was really important was how they affected Lissa, who kissed her sorta-drunk best friend Kate, and OMG BOTH OF THEM LOVED IT WHAT. And so Kate does the reasonable thing and acknowledges this is something clearly to be ignored and that she should fuck guys because she is a girl and that is not how she rolls, but Lissa, the narrator, doesn't know where to go from the kiss onwards. SO GOOD. Not recommended for people who hate well-developed, smart, hard-working teens trying to figure out what to do.

Rainbow Road was really, really bad. It was painfully dreary writing, nothing ever really popped, and whereas before this sort of worked in Rainbow High, where it was all skyscrapers and school gyms, here, where they go to the Grand Canyon and travelling the country, it becomes boring and doesn't ever really paint a picture into your mind. It's the story of three gay guys (except lol wait apparently Jason is bi?), and one of them came out and lost a scholarship and now he's giving a speech at a LGBT high school, and all they meet is queer people on their road trip through, and unlike the other two, this one was mostly about Nelson, who is just every camp cliché and makes you want to drive nails into his neck. You know what the ending is before you've cracked chapter one, and it's not really worth seeing how they get there.

Fallen Angel is a comic book, and maybe the kind you should call a "graphic novel", because the kind of people who'd like it would probably call it that. It's built on a completely interesting idea, which I'm going to spoil right here, so don't keep reading if you don't want the interesting idea to be spoiled: God wants to die, humanity was supposed to be his crowning glory, but he can't, because humans keep praying to him for things. So he sends tragedy and pain to Earth so that people will quit believing, but they keep having faith, forcing him to keep existing. The painted artwork is incredible, and the story's a slow burner, very decompressed, lots of setup early on, but Liandra is totally interesting, she's an angel who was kicked out of heaven. The whole series is full of neat ideas that I don't want to spoil, because the ideas are actually the best part, which is almost never true.

queer ya lit, pad, fallen angel, real life, ya lit

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