Am I the only one planning on dropping JLA+Teen Titans and buying two copies of Detective Comics?
One copy to read and cherish, of course, and another to unstaple and make into the world's most awesome wallpaper ever.
---ALSO!, went to Duluth today. Blew an EMBARASSINGLY large amount of money on comics, including back issues of BoP, Superman/Supergirl: Maelstrom, 52 vol 3, The New Frontier, Connor's mini, Air vol 1 Elektra: Root of All Evil, Elektra: Glimpse and Echo and Elektra vol 1: Introspect, and hamfistedly "flirted" with a guy.
Haven't read Maelstrom, Root of All Evil, New Frontier or Glimpse and Echo yet THANKS TO YOU, LIVEJOURNAL, but Air vol 1 is fantastic, 52 vol 3 is pretty neat, and the BoP issues are all pretty awesome.
---My sister is going to Toronto tomorrow morning. I can't believe that, it sounds pretty awesome.
parsimonia , if you see a 5' 7", thirteen year old girl with a cell-phone traveling with a pack of like-minded folks, wave hi!
Know what I hate? When you're writing a fic, then you pause halfway through, then you go and read another fic and it turns out they stole your idea before you even put it on the internet.
Just sayin'.