On my friends list, your post immediately followed this post:
So I finally get around to looking at the Newsweek that came in the mail this week, and the cover story is, of course, Dick Cheney shooting his hunting buddy. Fair enough. The cover is a picture of a guy hunting, which might be the vice-President, but it looks more to me like WCW legend "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes. The blurb: "Cheney's Secret World".
Now, is this not the textbook definition of "irony"? The vice-President shoots a guy, which is naturally given wall-to-wall coverage by every media outlet in the country. Newsweek has diagrams with little dotted lines tracking the motions of Cheney and his hunting party on the field. Lee Harvey Oswald didn't get this much scrutiny. And for some reason one of the main angles that comes out of this is how this shooting incident highlights Cheney's secrecy.
Yes, damn you, Dick Cheney, damn you for taking this secret hunting trip and secretly shooting a guy and making sure no one would ever find out about it... except for all those Americans who've read a newspaper, watched TV, or spoken to anyone in the last seven days. In fairness, I'm sure Cheney has all sorts of double secret secrets that would blow my mind if I only had the security clearance to learn about it. I'm just saying that this isn't exactly a sterling example of that. It'd be like saying how quiet and unassuming he is because of that one time he told a Senator to go F himself.
Which kind of cracks me up a little. Oh, the friends list irony. How are you? Ready to hit the Africa?
So I finally get around to looking at the Newsweek that came in the mail this week, and the cover story is, of course, Dick Cheney shooting his hunting buddy. Fair enough. The cover is a picture of a guy hunting, which might be the vice-President, but it looks more to me like WCW legend "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes. The blurb: "Cheney's Secret World".
Now, is this not the textbook definition of "irony"? The vice-President shoots a guy, which is naturally given wall-to-wall coverage by every media outlet in the country. Newsweek has diagrams with little dotted lines tracking the motions of Cheney and his hunting party on the field. Lee Harvey Oswald didn't get this much scrutiny. And for some reason one of the main angles that comes out of this is how this shooting incident highlights Cheney's secrecy.
Yes, damn you, Dick Cheney, damn you for taking this secret hunting trip and secretly shooting a guy and making sure no one would ever find out about it... except for all those Americans who've read a newspaper, watched TV, or spoken to anyone in the last seven days. In fairness, I'm sure Cheney has all sorts of double secret secrets that would blow my mind if I only had the security clearance to learn about it. I'm just saying that this isn't exactly a sterling example of that. It'd be like saying how quiet and unassuming he is because of that one time he told a Senator to go F himself.
Which kind of cracks me up a little. Oh, the friends list irony.
How are you? Ready to hit the Africa?
Second, they have not appointed the Roberts commision.
Im "sorta" ready. I have about everything bought, just not yet packed. And most of my things are taken care of, just not all my things. How are you?
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