Sat, 12:15: RT @ julianakilrose: I hope folks are starting to see clearly why militarizing local police was unequivocally a step towards fascism. If f…
Sat, 12:48: RT @ Mindcite_US: For those who were too busy shouting "LOCK HER UP!" or "BUILD THE WALL!" to bother with REAL history (or Mueller or Jan. 6…
Sun, 08:10: Little Lies: Sunday morning blog in which I didn't win a Lefty but congrats to those who did (huzzah!); had a good day yesterday and hope to have another today; watched a bad movie; and the Festivals are this weekend. via @ scottynola
Sun, 11:02: RT @ blacklionking73: @ kellyekell does a lot of work amplifying marginalized voices in the crime writing world but never forget she is also…