Tue, 07:54: Russian Roulette: Tuesday morning blog in which we survived Monday; got some books; feeling better today than yesterday; and hoping for a good day. https://t.co/ngTn6Rwi7k via @ scottynola
Tue, 08:18: RT @ RepMcGovern: This backsliding of democracy, the undoing of long-standing freedoms, from abortion to same-sex marriage, is from an extre…
Tue, 09:29: RT @ djrothkopf: Trump and DeSantis have both apparently decided they value Putin’s assistance with their election in 2024 more than they va…
Tue, 11:50: RT @ karlitaliliana: It is amazing that folks are substituting the word woke for integration. I’m very intentional when I talk about the sit…
Tue, 12:13: RT @ 64parishes: On the morning of March 14, 1891, a mob assembled to protest the acquittal of six Sicilian men accused of murdering New Orl…
Tue, 12:14: RT @ imarajones: The more I delve into anti-trans hate the more I realize that what’s happening to transgender people is literally just a “r…
Tue, 15:41: RT @ therockyfiles: In beach communities along the east coast an increasing number of houses fall victim to rising seas: “These folks are al…
Tue, 15:41: RT @ mdbell79: I never get tired of seeing this Harold Pinter memo: "Thank you for your invitation to host a fundraising dinner in the priva…
Tue, 16:10: RT @ SimonWDC: DeSantis once strongly supported Ukraine in its fight against Russia. This epic and cowardly flip flop is not going to be e…
Tue, 16:19: RT @ BookRiot: "HB 2789 would tie state funding of public libraries and public school libraries to policies that explicitly prevent book ban…
Tue, 16:19: RT @ nycjayjay: It’s astonishing to me that these two are the top contenders for the GOP nomination and that they have such ardent followers…