ps. Joey and Dawson totally just HAD SEX!! but i like Pacey better :)
Current mood: annoyed!
Current music: nothing.
Current taste: water, sugar, milk, and a teabag.
Current hair: reddish blonde. and it's wavy because i had no reason to straighten it.
Current clothes: black pj pants, black hoodie, pink bathrobe!
Current annoyance: cold weather. huge blizzards. winter. not being able to get back to school.
Current smell: um, tea?
Current thing I ought to be doing: hitchhiking back to school. some crazy dude should pull over and give me a ride.
Current windows open: none! even if it feels like it.
Current desktop picture: cast of Arrested Development ♥
Current favorite band: i don't have one.
Current book: some book on China that i can't get through. ugh. along with Meno, Plato.
Current CD in stereo: elton.
Current crush: qlkwdjlkqjdwlqkdj.
Current favorite celeb: Jimmy?
Current hate: WINTER.
=Do I=
Smoke?: never.
Do drugs?: not that i can recall.
Have sex?: no.
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: yeah, actually. at least once a week.
Remember your first love?: yup.
Still love him/her?: no.
Read the newspaper?: sometimes.
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: not close friends, but i know gay people. haha.
Believe in miracles?: not particularly.
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: if you can do it.
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: sometimes.
Consider love a mistake?: eh, no.
Like the taste of alcohol?: not at first but it grows on you. which i wonder sometimes why people even drink? hm, we're all weirdos.
Have a favorite candy?: sour punch straws.
Believe in astrology?: nah.
Believe in magic?: it's magic if the music is groovy. i do believe in Gob's magic. and Harry Potter magic.
Believe in God?: eh. not quite.
Have any pets?: Griffin Margaret.
Go to or plan to go to college: i'm all up in that.
Have an obsession?: me? never ;).
Have a secret crush?: kind of.
Do they know yet?: that's why it's a secret.
Wish on stars?: i have before, haha.
Care about looks?: yea, especially my own.
=Love life=
First crush: vinny.
Single or attached?: single.
Ever been in love?: possibly.
Do you believe in love at first sight?: not so much love.
Do you believe in "the one?": eh.
Describe your ideal significant other: goofy, adorable, funny, likes stuff that i like, nice.
kill: *fight the real enemy*
look like: idk, i like me. but i'd have an awesome body!
be like: moi.
avoid: many people.
talked to: my sister.
hugged: my dad?
instant messaged: renee.
kissed: kevin federline.
eat lunch: wherev.
cry: in my lonesome.
wish you were: at my dorm.
Dated one of your best friends? kind of.
Loved somebody so much it made you cry? mmmhm.
Drank alcohol? yes.
Done drugs? nope.
Broken the law? mhmm.
Run away from home? nope. i've stormed out of the house and drove / walked around, but i've never wanted to leave forever.
Broken a bone? just sprained an ankle.
Played truth or dare? yup.
Kissed someone you didn't know? no.
Been in a fight? mhmm.
Come close to dying? no.
The most embarrassing CD in your collection?: i dono. janine tends to think ace of base and real mccoy is hilarious tho!
bedroom like?: basically a 14 year old's room. and the one at my dorm is cool and the last time i left it, clean.
Your favorite thing for breakfast? pizza.
Your favorite restaurant?: friendly's, fridays.
What's on your bedside table?: i dont have a bedside table.
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?: pickles or fruit.
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?: i only weep once or twice at one movie.
If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?: i wouldn't.
What is your biggest fear?: losing the people i love. mice, centipedes, burglars, shady people at night.
Do you ever have to beg?: sometimes.
Are you a pyromaniac? haha sometimes i think i am. i love lighting matches and candles.
do you have too many love interests? not love interests, just things that i love.
Crushes?: q#$$&^&^$&.
Do you know anyone famous?: nope. except apparently my roomate is best friends with JayZ and he hangs out at our dorm all the time! (crazy dream).
Describe your bed: i've got two. one is two mattresses on the floor that slide all the time with comfy blankets. the other is like 77 ft off the ground and has a really comfy bed top with red sheets and a black comforter.
Spontaneous or plain?: both, ha.
Do you know how to play poker?: mike has tried to teach me. or has he? no he taught me something else. someone has but i still dono how.
What do you carry with you at all times?: my life.
How do you drive?: well! :D
What do you miss most about being little?: NO RESPONSIBILITY, no worries.
Are you happy with your given name?: yepp.
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?: tons and tons of money. i'm talking Oprah's money. ^_^
What color is your bedroom?: purple / white.
What was the last song you were listening to?: nothin.
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?: i do and i do. more times than not, but i have my days.
Do you think you're cute?: i'm like totally adorable. ;) 143 saved.
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you?: yes. but i've found the best thing to do is answer them when they ask or else they'll throw a fuckin snowball at you! geesh.
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: upfront, yes. haha.
Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends?: friends.
What is the first thing you think when you see two gay guys or lesbians holding hands?: cute.