Nov 19, 2005 23:21
I don't know what the hell happened. But within those 3 days (yes we were unfairly jipped out of the first day) something came between us. Some force united us. Maybe it was always there, or maybe we created it. Something lit a fire inside us, and I've never felt so close to everybody as I do right now.
But more importantly, retreat has helped me set my priorities. I know where I came from. I confronted my past. I know where I want to go. And I almost know what I want out of life.
And when I came back, I had no inhibitions. I told certain people that I love or still love them, and I probably would have been afraid to do so otherwise. I didn't care what I sounded like, I said what was on my mind.
I've been reading back some entries, and I can't believe I used to get caught up in some of this crap. The petty differences and dramas we create because we think we're better than any other human being have so much wear and tear on our lives. It doesn't fucking matter! Life is about UNITY (giggles), and helping each other be better human beings. Not he said, she said bullshit. I don't mean to offend anybody. I don't want to undermine the struggles you face, but come on guys! "Smile on your brother, everybody get together, try to love one another right now"
Ah...I hope this retreat high never wears off (I'm sure it will though).
Quick memory recap:
"Unity!!" (Sung)
"I'm sorry Charlie Murphy"
"Cut the malarchy! There's white men sleeping here!"
Tom: "Have you ever thought of somebody and associated them with a color in your head?"
Edgar: " Thomas?"
"Hi. I'm Charles White.........and...I'm a Senior......class of 2006"
Happy times!