
Aug 22, 2005 22:14

I went to the Union Fair tonight with Nick (Who else). It sucked. Nothing there but young teeny boppers with mini skerts. Nothing to see... Nothing at all to do. I saw some peoples I knew and chatted with them for a little bit. Saw some all toooo farmiliar faces there that made me un easy. Won't mention names. Going out to haul tomorrow. Nick's workin on his boat like all the rest of this week. I can't believe school's gonna start like really freakin soon. Tooo early. But I'll be a 19 year old senior... Who... yeah riiight. *sigh* I went to the Doctors today. Yeah nothing I haven't heard before. I have been pretty depressed lately... Due to some problems with Nick and stuff, but I won't go into detail. My aunt, Grandma, and uncle got into a pretty bad car accident. I mean pretty bad as in BAD! It happend like 2 days ago. Some punk ass teen ager in a dumb souped up honda peice of shit rice car smashed into the side of them like going 50 mph. Stupid fuck! Pushed there car into the damn swamp! And my Aunt has a broken foot I think and a cut from her upper eye brow to way down to the back of her head. My uncle has 2 broken rubs and his sternumn broke and his tail bone I believe. My grandma had a fractured foot and had black and blue like crazy on her legs and has a horrible looking neck bruse from the seat belt. I feel horrible. I mean it's hard to see them like that. *sigh* Also, Our family is justa buzzin! haha not much changes around this family. History reates itself. Sucks, but what can you do? Well, I'm not allowed to stay at Nick's house anymore becasue his mother has a damn stick up her ass. Fuck that. I'm already pissed as it is. Yeah, gonna make a hair appointment tomorrow. *yay* Oh yeah... since fuckin everybodies havin a "kid" now a days. I had one! haha well, kinda. he's small, green, sucktion cuped toes, and has red eyes. Yup... It's called a Red Eyed Tree Frog. (Look it up if you have NO clue what it is). Yeah, got him on Sunday. He's so damn cute. He's at Nick's house. Gotta love froggies. Whelp, I'm gonna get the hell of this bitch tube. G'byes to who ever reads this and to the people who like to say they don't. PEACE

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