
Jun 11, 2005 21:28

Biologists, neurologists, and psychologists today seem to agree with tribal cultures in recognizing that we all have some animal components within us. Evolution has built up our brain tissue in layers. As a result, the human brain can be seen as being composed of an old reptilian brain, an overlaying mammalian brain, and the most recent and explosive development, the uniquely human cerebral cortex.

Because of this structure, the appetites, drives, and skills of the more primitive components remain latent, and are frequently manifested in subtle (and not so subtle) ways. Reactivating these old and powerful shadows is part of the traditional Shaman’s training. This suggests our first class of shape-shifting phenomena, which is really not mystical at all. Through various ritual, hypnotic, and hallucinogenic techniques, it is possible to ‘awaken’ these repressed animal instincts, temporarily enabling the practitioner to experience the surrounding world through the eyes of another species. Although some might argue that such experiences are no more than hallucinogenic delusions, the physiological underpinnings suggest that there is no reason to doubt the subjective reality of such experiences.

A second variety of shape shifting is more closely related to the concept of astral travel. In this model, the astral body is compelled to separate from the body, but rather than simply roaming free through the astral plane, it is directed to temporarily enter the body of the desired animal. While all of the possible scientific explanations for astral projection would also apply to this phenomenon, it could also be argued that evolutionary animal remnants, when appropriately developed, might contribute an additional affinity to aid in the union.

The final form of shape shifting we’ll consider here is of a more physical nature. This comprises changes of appearance, including facial features, body structure, or even hair and eye color. Such changes have been reliably documented in alleged cases of demonic possession. Even if the underlying cause is assumed to be psychological in origin, the physical manifestations cannot be denied. Similarly, the bloodless piercings, firewalking, and related exploits of entranced yogis, as well as the nearly superhuman abilities exhibited by advanced martial artists, both argue that the human body is capable of being controlled in ways and to extents far beyond the limitations commonly attributed to it. Taken together, these phenomena suggest that, directed by a focused and trained mind, the outward appearance is almost certainly capable of alteration.

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