I can see that I've been really bad about posting them on here for a while. I've been on my laptop for the last few months instead of my desktop, which has been a major bummer all around. If anyone is interested in checking out my fanfictions, I have them all hosted at AO3 at
http://archiveofourown.org/users/scottxlogan and for anyone on tumblr, please feel free to come over and say hello at
http://scottxlogan.tumblr.com/. Also, if anyone is interested in participating in a Scogan fan art or fanfic challenge, I'm always throwing them out there on tumblr. The past challenges are also open ended in case anyone is interested. They are up at AO3 at
http://archiveofourown.org/collections/ScoganFicChallenges/collections if anyone is interested in giving it a go :)