Some Art: Lourenco

Jun 09, 2005 09:10

For the art lovers out there, here is one of my favorite contemporary artists. His stuff shows up as prints in lots of common places, but this store in Michigan (of all places) sells his originals. I love Didier Lourenco's work, though the older the work, the more I like it. The guy's like 36 years old.

This page shows mostly his newer stuff (last year or so).
Pretty miffed that someone bought "Bourbon Street" but hey, I didn't have $8,000 laying around.

Just felt like sharing.

P.S.) Going to see Herbie Hancock tonight. His band is comprised of (at least): Marcus Miller on bass, Kenny Garrett on sax, and John Mayer on guitar(!). This will rock like a boulder.

paintings, herbie hancock, art

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