Drafty pirates

May 21, 2011 16:48

Last night at First Draft I wrote a poem while sitting there called "Things You'd Find In a Pirate's Leg" or something like that. It's exercise I do most of the time I'm at a First Draft: what can you write in the time it takes you to get called up? I saw Pirates of the Carribean 4 yesterday, so I drew from that imagery and voila: a cute love poem idea writ small on the "eh" page of existence. People who get writer's block should watch more pirate movies. Or have more break-ups. I've done both of those a lot, so taa-daa.

(A 30/30 note:)
(It's odd to hear people talk about 30/30 like it's a Sisyphean, awesomely painful thing. I'm not saying it isn't tough, just that it's toughness is relative. A lot of poets don't experience the kind of clotting that kept coming up in reference to 30/30. The way some poets described it last night, who would ever want to do it? I refer thee to Disch on the matter of if it requires pain... Live life a little differently, get a little inspiration. Easiest remedy there is.)

30/30, first draft open mic

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