24-Hour Prep: Confirmed new poems

Apr 01, 2011 16:02

These are some of the new original titles I can confirm will show up during tomorrow's feature:

- Milk
- Livingston Avenue (working title) *
- What My Mixtape Is Trying To Tell You
- Scars
- Horror
- 12 Ways To Decide If You Should Decline The Drink He's Buying You
- Barbershop Price list
- Chris Brown 2: The Good Morning America Remix
- The Good Times Plantation Poetry Slam
- Love By The Light of the Perfect Arcade *
- The Book of Burgers (working title) *

I have a few more in the hopper so this list will expand by a few by the end of today.
I'm reserving tomorrow for poem picking, rest and mind-clearing.

* REALLY long form works.

process, 24-hour poetry feature, setlists

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