NaNo - Day 1

Nov 01, 2010 20:31

Long day at work doing actual work now that the puppet show is over, so I used what time I had to finish firming up an actual story to write about for the next 30 days.

I've decided to go into the vault and pull out a wisp of story I've sat on for a lot of years. I used to call it something stupid, but I have no better working title right now. Wait, let me think of one real quick...


So I pulled out this old story idea about Egyptian gods in modern times and started picking at it late last night. It was the most viable out of the ones I grabbed, and I had taken a couple of stabs at it in other formats (comic, etc.). I had a couple of scenes, but no story, and no real characters to speak of. Just phantoms.

Then I thought, it's NaNo. Go nuts. So I'll be incorporating other characters from other things I've written in various ways. Not a lot, but a few. Now I feel like I can pick at it and get something out of it!

So I've ordered my pizza, am sitting here at the board (likely alternating between her and the (laptop), shooting for my first 1667 words. The more I write now the better, so I'm going to try to really pull something out of thin air tonight.

Here we go!!!

Word count at 8:30 pm = 0


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