Apr 27, 2010 08:29
You will see the number of entries about this experiment dry up for a while. It's not because I'm not thinking about; quite the opposite. I need to focus on how to determine its genuine viability. That's going to take more work than thinking out loud in my LiveJournal and jabbing at maps with a ruler.
I will be breaking out a markable atlas and possibly striking up a team of eggheads - I mean, a brain trust - to help me figure out what the logistics really are. Lot of factors here, so I need people who have no interest in poetry but a lot of interest in math and maps to help out.
So this experiment isn't on hold, though you may not see any entries on it with the regularity you've been seeing them. I need to get a detail-oriented team on it - some Mythbusters type cats - so I can do other things. I'll just show up with my motorcycle when they tell me to here and there and jump through the flaming hoops. I got too many other projects and poems to address.
experiment walking tour