An Experiment: Walking Poetry's America, Pt. 3

Apr 19, 2010 15:48

Something I feel pretty sure about after crunching more numbers and locales and science is that the theorem, as stated, is impossible. I do not believe that at any reasonably walkable daily distance (anywhere from 5 to 30 miles a day) that one would hit a regular poetry event every day until they crossed the country. Even with all of the time allowed given to the walker and with even the most jagged of treks would this be possible. Not unless hundreds of poetry readings suddenly sprung up in the most odd of places to qualify.

So it's time to peel back the standard and determine if it could be done every OTHER day by foot. I know that in the lower mileage per day (say, under 20 miles a day) this remains impossible. The question becomes now would you hit a poetry event every, say, 60 miles. If THAT were possible then other considerations could be brought into the equation.

So I am moving out of the ludicrous and into the fantastic.

Still crunching...

experiment, stunts, experiment walking tour

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