New poems, show stuff

Feb 20, 2010 10:54

Hello ladies.

So last night at First Draft was pretty awesome. Spike's feature of all-new work (the only kind of work you can do at First Draft: never performed, everybody, all the time, don't hate) was really strong, and his second poem (I forget the title) should be his next Slam poem. He's slowed down some and found more of his own voice in this work, and it all works for him.

The open mic was really, really strong too! Man, everybody was rolling out strong stuff this month. I did two poems I'd been sitting on because of being sick. I seemed to have enough of my voice back to do the do, even with a persona piece, so I went for it.

I did "The Poet Your Man Could Smell Like", which is a riff on the awesome new Old Spice commercial. Haven't seen it? I've attached it below. It helps you appreciate the poem more. I had an original version of it, but switched out some elements to incorporate Tiger Woods for kicks. I'll switch that stuff back out and keep doing that with this until I get tired of it, I think. I would definitely not say it's the Scott Woods equivalent of a Mike McGee "Pudding" poem (which is genius and can run anywhere from 3 minutes to 30 minutes or more), but it has the right idea. Every hardcore cat should have a "retractable" like that.

I also performed "Facebook Application Posting Ball", so two new funny poems. This one was culled mostly from the real-life FAPB that was started by the cats in Arizona - Bob, Bill, et al. - that I got in on one lonely night on Facebook. It was fun, though I'm not a fan of the bookends. I'll either chop them and rely on introduction or come up with a smoother series of transitions. You can see where the germ of this poem comes from in my Facebook profile staus updates somewhere around

Anyhow, I've got a bit of a ramp-up in activity as February starts to end. I've got to start compiling the 24-Hour show stuff now. I'm actually a little behind, ideally. One of these years I'll do all original work. That won't be this year.

Tonight I MC a slam and generally misbehave in public at the "Heavyweight Poetry Slam" at the Convention Center. Eric Roberson does a concert after it, so I might get to check him out. I should write an Eric Roberson poem for tonight, just in case he's around. HA!

Good day, ladies.

Old Spice - The Man Your Man Could Smell Like

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process, first draft open mic, video

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