Taylor Swift, Michael Jackson and the AMAs

Nov 23, 2009 21:14

1) The AMA nominations are based on record sales and airplay, even if the record was released in a previous year. It is the ultimate popularity contest. In theory, "Sergeant Pepper" could be nominated every year if sales warranted it. So Michael earned the nomination because apparently people no one bought a record since "Thriller" and thought they would stop making his records when he died or something. Like the joints ain't been re-released every year since 1984.

2) Country music sells more records than most genres, has for years, certianly has since the entire industry imploded, and people who aren't into country music largely don't know that. So Swift has not only sold hella records, but she did it under most people's noses. Also, she's alive, so she's been able to lobby pretty hard (ie. tour, perform, interview and generally be a living person selling music) for her own popularity. So she also earned her nomination.

3) The winners of AMAs are decided on by consumer votes. Now, I've not ever seen a ballot, but it's common knowledge that if you want a chance of being recognized for your artistry* then you want a Grammy (which is decided by industry folks), not an AMA. If you win both, then you're really doing something I guess.

The bottom line is that you can't blame Taylor Swift for winning, and if you don't complain every year about the AMAs you can't start now just because Michal didn't win. Blame the people who are actually still buying records and following their favorite artists beyond listening to them when they repeat on the radio: young white people with disposable cash.

Not that I watch any of this tripe. I stopped watching these things when Will Smith won the first Grammy for rap.

* = You and I both know they don't always accomplish this either, but you have no chance of this being the case with an AMA, whereas with a Grammy you at least have a gambler's chance.

award shows

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