Mar 24, 2009 08:39
As I begin to fill out my list of featured poets for the 24-hour read, I'm noticing trends. More women than I might have guessed. More short poems, too.
I am also in a serious spurt of original shot-calling. The ideas are coming hard and fast. Trying to get about ten poems done for the 24-hour feature. We'll see. I have enough previously unread stuff for the mandatory two hours of original work but I'd like even more. If I can get three hours of original work, I will. That would be awesome.
Went to The Forum last night and read "Lamborghini Hickies (Chris Brown)". It was the edited version I use for general audiences and without the performance heat, and when I do that to some of my stuff I figure out what it's made of. Motts.
I wrote about ten starts and maybe 75% of a new poem at the Forum. I will slam with the 75% on Wednesday (after it hits 100% of course). I have been trying to make the statement it contains for a few weeks now but I guess I had to be near the source for it to come out with the appropriate fire. There is an ending stanza* that I like, but that is so mean that it burns the larger good intention of the poem. So I may cut those few lines. We'll see. I may slam with it and then cut it so I can expel that venom and move on and maybe use it in other places where its message applies.
Also, Dave Nichols did a really strong feature there, mixing up the flow and length of his stuff. Gave his set a really nice symmetry and rhythm. First time I've seen him doing anything that wasn't from the slam catalogue. He's the real deal.
I have been aiming my current valleys into my work. It's an edge I like, but at a cost I don't.
* I frequently get a poem started, then draft an ending when it comes to me so that I have a target to shot for. It helps.
prep work,
24-hour poetry feature