All-new poem setlist & PID #19

Dec 20, 2008 02:15

I have to work in the morning, but I wanted to get the setlist up:

1) Crutches
2) Spock With A Beard
3) Make Love To Your Mind (co-wrtten with Bill Campana)
4) A Snowy Day
5) The Saint of Lines That Should Not Be Crossed (or, Things Christian Poets Are Too Saved To Say)
6) Nursing Home
7) Cthulu Calls For Love
8) Jesus, Judas & The Case of the Old Woman's Son (A Murder Mystery)

And if that wasn't enough hot action, I wrote a quick "Poetry Is Doomed" column before I left out for the show:

new poem, poetry in the news, first draft open mic, poetry is doomed, setlists

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