Larry's last night

Oct 07, 2008 07:16

Went to Larry's last night ( one more visit and I can mark it off my lis for this year!) and saw feature Fred Anderle.  A nice night, with a packed room, almost assuredly for Fred.  Larry's absolutely refuses to advertise their night, so it is only instinct and tradition that made me check to see if they were starting tonight.  Fred is the sweetest guy ever, and runs a show on the radio.

I rarely leave Larry'swithout a poem or a poem start, and last night I knocked one out called "John Rambo, Esq.".  I read it, which was tough since I had parts of it spread all over the page.  It's a heady little piece, funny to a type of person, but not generally ha-ha.  louiserobertson  was there too, and she always sounds good in there.


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