Want a PSI event? Sit-down with the Prez

Jul 30, 2008 11:03


I am personally fielding - on an interest-only, low-maintenance, non-commital tip - potential hosts for future PSI events during next week's event at a one-time meeting.

This is not an official PSI sanction, though my interest is clearly as someone with a strong fiduciary responsibility to PSI. This is something I have charged myself to do.
I am making no promises, and neither will you. I am simply gathering interest and information, and sharing information and processes about how the event needs to be managed so that you may best gauge your ability to satisfy any genuine interest you may have in hosting an event. I will present some questions to the group, you will respond. I will share some information with you, you will tell me what you think you can do. I'll bring a couple of pieces of paper - information only - and we'll rap. No commitment, no release of your interest to the public...just sharing potential interest and information that will better help you make a decision about your interest (and keep PSI from being in the dark regarding your interest). Real low-maintenance, casual stuff (though I wouldn't spit on a copy of anyone's paperwork if they had some). PSI is committed to putting on great events, and we believe that developing and nurturing good potential hosts with information and access is key. I've simply opted to move beyond wondering who might be interested and am now taking a proactive approach. I expect the meeting to last about one hour or less.

If you are interested in this not-secret-but-not-wide-open meeting during NPS, contact me backchannel at sewoods1@yahoo.com by the end of Saturday.

Get at me for the details. Because of the nebulous, informative-only nature of the meeting, I am not opening it up to public attendance outside of noted interested parties. Like I said, it's not a secret meeting or anything (or I wouldn't have posted it here) but it is a meeting better had when people don't feel like they have to shore up a theoretical interest in front of a voting body, like SMs or the whole EC. Think of this as an invitation-only Q&A with one of the guys who helps write and enforce the contracts (and the timelines and the rules and the bout draws and the budgets...). If you think you might be interested in a PSI event in the next 1-3 years, this meeting might be of some serious use to you.

Scott Woods
Presidet, PSI


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