Coaching again & some unplayed haikus

Jan 19, 2008 19:12

- The team meeting today for our Win & You're In bout was really solid!  There is a lot of disparate Slam experience on this squad, so it's a challenge to juggle that in just a few weeks, but they're all solid workers and I care more about what they'll be like after the bout than I do if they win the bout.  The bout's one night; Writers' Block open mics are forever.  This really is my mantra this year for WB: Poets, let's up your game together.

- Here is the haiku that I am reasonably sure cost me the first round because it's 18 beats long:

Waiting for MY car
after dinner, a white
woman hands me her ticket.

I meant to change "ticket" to "keys", but that's what I get for rushing.

Some other haikus I didn't get to use:


She agrees: the war 
is like rape.  But she never
dreams about missles.

And one for Bill Campana (
campana ):


Bob Ross is a white
man with a 'fro.  Broham in
titanium white.

I'll post a few of the naughty ones over in my personal journal.

Also, you may have noticed I've been mentioning Arizona poet Bill Campana a lot lately.  It's because I believe he is an awesome poet that fell through the Slam cracks because of his non-conformist style and his work really opened something up for me when I came into it head-on for an extended amount of time while doing a gig in Arizona a couple of months ago.  His CD - all 3 discs of it - is a poetry class unto itself for anyone looking to figure out their poetic voice and how to engage a room.  One of the most prolific poets I've ever met, and a great guy.

Cats who run venues: we should turn the world on its ear and everyone should just start trying to book him, even though he's not currently touring.  

win & you're in, coaching, bill campana, haiku deathmatch, haikus

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