Arizona, NaNo

Nov 26, 2007 06:46

First, important poetry news:
I'll be in Phonix on Wednesday gigging! If you're anywhere within an hour of that gig, I'd love to see you out.
I'll be there through Friday morning, so if something's happening Thursday...
I've never been to Arizona, and I've always had a soft spot for the poets who come out of that area because they tend to be very original. See you Wednesday!

In NaNo news:
I won't bore you wtih the details of this past weekend.  I'll save that for when this is all over.
Here's where I'm starting out today:

wordcount widgets

I've got to write 8000 to catch up to where I'm supposed to be as of midnight last night (or this morning; whatever. Damn Gregorians!).
I prefer to think of it as needing 3000 a day between now and the end, in 4 days.

I feel...slightly insane.

nanowrimo, gigs

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