NaNoWriMo: I'm In!

Oct 23, 2007 11:41

So I'm going to try National Novel Writing Month this year for the first time.  The goal is to write a 175-page (50,000-word) novel by midnight, November 30.

I've written short stories and a novel in the past.  I liked a couple of my stories, but the novel - Eve's Sister - doesn't hold up.  Great idea; amateur execution.  I will not use an old project for this exercise.  I might use the BBQ idea.  Or if I want to keep things simple, I'll use the urban novel idea.

I'm looking forward to it: a co-worker -

tahmthelame  - is running weekly NaNoWriMo sessions and workshops here at the library during the month for it, so if you're local and you want to get in on it, come on over to Parsons during one of the sessions and get your write on.  Nothing spurs you on quite like a room full of your own doing what you're doing.

Sessions are from 11:00 am - 3:00 pm @ Parsons Library:
Friday, Nov. 2
Saturday, Nov. 10 (also a workshop: Writing with All of Your Senses)
Friday, Nov. 16
Saturday, Nov. 24
Friday, Nov. 30

We're free WiFi!  We're comfy!  We'll have writing books handy.
I will write outside of those sessions, but I will attend most of these sessions as well unless I have a gig.

November 1 is the first day of the rest of your novel!

experiment, nanowrimo, writing, novels

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