Writing Scorecard

Dec 23, 2003 20:19

I haven't done one of these in a while, so, in keeping up with current steam (culled primarily from a list I found from what appears to be no later than Nov. 2002, so about a year ago). Titles in quotes are working titles. I won't recount the short stories or the essays for a number of reasons:

Eve's Sister (novel) = 3 drafts; rewriting; active
"Girlfriends" (novel) = writing; mostly inactive
"Slave Mystery" (novel) = research; inactive (scared to look at the pages done so far)
"Epistolary Collection (short story collection) = 2 drafts; dead
"Poet Mystery" (novel) = inactive
"October 2001 Poetry Book" (poetry) = complete; released as "Can You Hear Me Now?"
"Short Story Collection" (short story collection) = partial; researching; inactive
"Eve's Sister" CD-Rom (ebook CD) = dead
"Old Folks Home" (novel) = partial; inactive
"Essay Collection" (essays) = draft; gutted; inactive...
"Abduction" (novel) = researching; in utero; active

Shakespeare Heights = complete
"Radio" = partial; inactive; mostly dead
"chat" = plotting; dead

Queen's Row = complete; rewrite inevitable, but not priority
Shakespeare Heights = complete. A polish required if submitted, but, ah, that's another story...
"Nurse of Ghosts" = plotting; inactive...
The Teaching = partial; inactive
"Navajo" = complete; draft 1; active polish
"Sleeping Man" = complete, but dead; cannibalized for other material
"The Date" = partial; dead
"Rockstar/House Letters" = plotting; inactive...
"The Spoilers" = plotting; inactive

COMIC BOOKS (understood to be writing/scripts, not art...though I do have art for some titles)
bad blood = some issues complete, plotting; inactive
360 = plotting, sketches; dead
Scarlem = plotting, sketches; dead
"Kemet" = plotting, sketches; dead...
The Trial = partial; active

All in all, not a wretched list. Lot of old stuff, but some newer (2003) things as well. Some of the ideas of the dead material have held up, but I'd have to mostly start some of that from scratch. The person who wrote some of that partial material isn't the Scott that would be writing or editing it now, and it's just better to use the old material - even if it is complete - to relaunch a better set of tales.

The books are particularly challenging; the committment level to make them soar is super-high. Just looking at some of that stuff hurts, but you got to do it if the idea has merit over time. A good idea is a good idea, and if no one's stepped on it since you thought of it a couple of years ago, that's a sign.

Off to the races. Somewhere in there I've written a poem or two, but theyc ome harder now. I just care more about what they're doing, as opposed to what I'm doing. It really meant a lot when Sid told me he actually listens to the new CD ("You Belong: Love Poems"), like really listens to it. And for him, after all of this time and having heard so much of my work over the past few years - and the changes in it - to actually be engaged by the work just floors me. Have gotten good emails behind it.

product, lists, novels, screenplay, comic books, writing process

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