You Suck Part II: Return of the Wack Feature Email & Why I Do This

Nov 25, 2003 07:41

You'd think after my public decrying of the last wack email I got asking for a feature here in town would have stopped this sort of thing, but I think someone either didn't get the message (wholly likely; it's not like I'm the Matrix or something) or they think that my problem with the last one was that I thought it was too long. Either way, here's one I got in my email this morning (details removed):

"Hi there (location) Poet Im traveling to the area wondering if your looking for a feature on (date) 2004 "

Aside from removing the state that they mentioned being from and the date in question, this is the EXACT email they sent me, verbatim, note-for-note. The whole thing.

I actually think this must be a joke.
My reply, verbatim, was:


On a related note, someone asked me why I put people's business up here like this, why I put emails that I get backchannel in a public journal. Of course, I had multiple responses at once:

1) I don't put personal emails or situations up, or emails that are noted as personal.
I typically only post stuff here from people who don't even know me, and usually only as it relates to art, poetry and the business of such. This is not a personal journal, but a professional one.
2) Suggesting that these emails contain anything remotely close to "business" suggests some sense of professionalism, which these emails sorely lack.
3) It's a public service.
This is how NOT to get ahead in this thing. One day, this will become a tome of teaching by (poor) example!

poetry advice, letters

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