(no subject)

Dec 21, 2009 00:27

 I went on AIM for the first time since September! Haha, how ridiculously long it's been.

I got the book list for my English class next semester. I get to read Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safron Foer and I am so excited! I read Everything is Illuminated back in high school and really loved it (I actually want to reread it this break, but we'll see if that happens). And I moved up a spot on the waitlist for the polisci class I want! That puts me at 13. It's not likely I'll get a spot in the class, but I'm not taking it off my schedule until I absolutely have to.

We started decorating the tree today. It's pretty much done, but we still have the glass icicles to hang and the train set to put up. Then it's all done and we're officially ready for Christmas.

And can Fox stop with the Avatar plugs? Seriously? I HAVE NO DESIRE TO SEE THIS MOVIE. It was bad enough that they had plugs for it on SYTYCD but then that episode of Bones from a few weeks ago. NO.THANK.YOU. I didn't like it when they had Stewie show up in last year's season finale, this was about ten thousand times worse. 

schedule, holiday: christmas

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