Jul 03, 2005 00:15
Name 20 friends in no particular order..
1. Eric Linegar
2. Eash Gusho
3. Jessy Tepin
4. Ange Julian
5. Dave Allie
6. Kayla Anderson
7. Rachy Rach
8. Rachael Lertola
9. Ashley Bletch
10. Dan Layher
11. Mark Layher
12. Glen Schmeisel
13. Joyce Clouser
14. Catherine Pleins
15. Geoff Vernocke
16. Darren Vernocke
17. Josh Van Valkenburg
18. Derek Weaver
19. Bernard Bird
20. Sarah Buyle
Now answer the folowing questions..
A. Who is #8 going out with?: Nobody that I know of at the moment
B. Is #9 a boy or a girl? : Girl
C. Would #11 and #2 make a cute couple? : No way
D. How about #18 and #4? : Nope
E. What grade is #17 in? : 12th grade now
F. When was the last time you talked to #12? : Yesterday Night
G. What is #6's favorite band? : Ayu
H. Does #1 have any siblings? : Yep
I. Would you ever date #3? : Been there, done that. Not again. (right now at least)
J. Would you ever date #7?: Been there, done that. Not again.
K. Is #16 single? : Yes
L. What's #15's last name? : Vernocke (DUH!)
M. What's #5's middle name? :
N. What's #10's fantasy? : To finally get ass from his girlfriend that never puts out
O. Would #14 and #19 make a good couple? : No way
P. What school does #20 go to? : Well...we went to Fraser together...we are in love :-D
Q. Tell me a random fact about #11? : He's obsessed with Unreal Tournament
R. And #1: He is the state champ in Tai Kwan Do and my best friend
S. And #3: She has Kidney stones and needs to stop eating Dairy
T. And #2: her best friend is Carlie Carpenter
U. Have you ever had a crush on #16? : No..thats a guy...thats sick
V. Where does #9 live? : Good question
W. What's #4's favorite color? : Black and Blue
X. Would you makeout with #3? : Did it before...but not again
Y. Are #5 & #6 best friends? : Nope...never met one another
Z. Does #8 like #19? : No, they have met, but are not aquainted like that