Mar 11, 2007 23:12
Friday: went to the black bear (neighbourhood pub in lynn valley) with chris. mark decided he didnt want to go at the last minute and was a real girl about it. drank with chris, devised plan for saturday.
Saturday: went to granville island for brewery tour. walked for twenty minutes, drank for 25. apparently thats a tour. tasters were good. a 10 dollar tour gets you six ounce taster cups of four different kinds of beer. burton, i'm bringing you killarney stout. delicious. had dinner at white spot (i think only laurel knows of white spot, being a former bc resident) and then played poker in lion's bay (once again only laurel knows of this place). interesting side note, i found out on saturday i have the ability to fart hard enough to make a cd player skip. assman indeed. smoked hooka as no cigarettes could be found. grr. went home.
Sunday: went to santa barbara market for grocery shopping with dad. commercial drive is full of two things: lesbians and italians. i went and got italian coffee and i'm pretty sure its just coffee with milk and sugar. i've been scammed. in the backroom they had some card playing going on. sneaky greasy italians. hard to believe im a quarter italiano. and this next part is the most exciting part of my weekend sadly. I saw the lesbian double of courtney bell. same height and size, same hair colour, even same style of glasses. the only difference being is that she had a short cut fauxhawk/neohawk thing going on and she had a chris webb-esque lip ring. oh and she was hardcore kissing a girl. an attractive one too. this is all ur fault courtney bell. taking attractive women and making them switch teams.
quote of the weekend:
(chris and me are sitting with the tour group having the tasters.)
Chris: Not bad... scott what do you think of this one? can u taste the .... ??? Where's your beer scott?
Scott: I drank it.
Chris: you're supposed to taste it...
Scott: I did.
Chris: .. for longer than 8 seconds.
Scott: well give me yours. (snatches chris' taster cup and downs his beer.)
Chris: you really are a fucking guzzler.
Scott: your mother.
Chris: give me the keys.
Scott: vroom vroom.