i haven't updated because of work. last night i had to work at 12:15pm, and got out of there around 11pm or so. we had a meeting. there was a lot of food, but i only had a piece of cheesecake. they did this thing where they pulled our name tags out of a box and we got to pick some free stuff. i got the new green day cd and abarat by clive barker because scott showed interest in reading it. i dont work today, but i do have physical therapy about 4pm. i work tomorrow from 8:30am until 5:15pm. i got a $3 tip yesterday but i lost it because i didn't have pockets in the pants i was wearing. it really sucked. and now i'm drinking some nasty lemon shit because i can't...well... shit. i hate it. i stopped reading that if you want to be a witch book. now i'm reading squire. its the 3rd book in the protector of the small series by tamora pierce. she's a really good author. i wonder if were having something good for dinner tonight. and everyone who doesn't reply to this, i'm deleting, unless you've already said you want to stay.
You are Jessika. You kick, scream, pout and love
every minute of it. You are the rock goddess of
the dolls.
What Doll Are You? (with pictures) brought to you by