Nov 16, 2007 22:51
League last night. Made the newsletter again by hitting a ton-40 in my 501 game. I was up by almost 200 points and still managed to lose. Sigh. That was a blow to the ego, especially since I've been playing so well lately. The cool thing is that I came back in Cricket and kicked some ass with my new partner Sue and we won. Then Sue, Wes and I won our 601 game. Wes got us in, I hit the big numbers and Sue got us out. It was a really great victory.
We dropped the 1001 game to lose the night, 8-5, but would've won 7-6 has we won the last game. Still, we're finally feeling like a team, and we're all playing much better.
Well, the fasting was an interesting and painful experiment. I probably could've made it the full three days, but I convinced myself, in the late hours of day two after losing money in a poker game, that the fast was stupid and that I should break it as son as possible. So I did. The funny part was how the new auto-transcriber handled my voice posts. Pretty funny stuff. I never said half of those things.
So basically, fasting is stupid. It makes you cranky and grumpy, it made me anxious and hyper, yet run-down and sleepy. It messes with your head even more than your body. I don't see myself attempting it again. Now I need to come up with a new stupid human trick to pull off. Any suggestions?