Obviously, I've been very busy with no time to blog.
It's deliverables week at work. This is similar to final week in college, except that I have about 25 finals. I am the Lead Technical Writer for this project, and I am responsible for the style, uniformity, readability, grammar, punctuation and many other things for all deliverable documents. These deliverables are produced and delivered to the client in phases, and each phase then has a 10-day review period with the client, who then re-submits the deliverables for revision. Back and forth this goes from us to the client until all deliverable documents are finalized.
The week that deliverables or a batch of revisions are due to the client (actually, the week leading up to the delivery date) is hell for every member of the team. Tons of work, a billion conference calls, not much sleep and little time for much else. Today ends that week.
Well, not quite.
Deliverables (revisions this time) are due Monday morning. I have to work the weekend (as does everyone else, really to complete the tech edits and reviews. They must all be in our eRoom by 8 A.M. Monday morning.
So, I've spent the week doing this, with my only break coming last night for the opening night of dart season. I was my first ever time playing for a team. I had a fantastic time, and although our team lost, I played well. I won my first ever individual 501 match by taking a 50 out in two darts (18 D16). My opponent had to be told that he'd lost, as he was stepping to the line to throw. It was pretty cool. Our opponents were a great bunch of guys, and a good time was had by all. It sucks to lose, but I still had a great time. Our next match (next Thursday, and every Thursday until the end of April) is away at another bar. It would be nice if I can continue playing well. I've been practicing every night before bed (at home), and it has really paid off.
Poker? Well, I have played very little. I had hoped to get back into the swing of things this week, since Little B is in school and B has once again begun her workout schedule nightly, which gives me time to play. But with work, I've had no time for poker. Next week should be a much easier week though, and I plan to play a lot then. Also this weekend if I can finish my work in a reasonable amount of time.
I suppose that's it for now.