Well, it's been quite a while since I've actually updated this thing. Almost six months, to be exact X.x Seems I've been remiss in updating, dosen't it? Well hopefully I'll be updating more often in the future. I know, I know, i've said it before, and I'm not going to say that I mean it this time, but I think there's a good chance that I'm going to be a bit more sincere this time ^_^'
Anywho, I haven't been all that busy since that last time I updated. Finished my second year of Comp Sci, got a new job working as a chef (well, assistant chef, at least, but I get a big puffy chef's hat and everything :p) at Steak and Stein. Contrary to some peoples opinion (Doubtful that you're reading this, Jeff, but if you are, you know I'm talking about you!) it's actually a pretty good place to work. It gets kind of crazy at times, especially at supper on firday and saturday nights, but if you think about it, that's to be expected. Don't really have a set job there, I'm sor tof the jack of all trades. I work on front in the kitchen, out back in the kitchen (it's split into two parts. All the prep work is done out back, and most of the non steak meals, as well. All the steaks and some other things, as well as plate prep, is out front) as well as assistant controller, which means i get to walk back and forth putting plates onto those metal heating racks that you see at all the restaurants ^_^ Not the hardest job in the world, but it does get spastic at times, especailly when the waiters decide to take their good freaking sweet time to come and pick up thier plates >_<
Other than that, I've been spedning most of the summer just relaxing, and chilling with friends, hanging out at peoples houses, playing Halo (can't wait for Halo 2 to come out! ^_^), such like that. It's been a pretty good summer, all in all, even taking some rather ... disruptive events that have taken place, but I won't spill them out here (those of you who know, know what - or rather who - I'm talking about, much as I'd rather it be different), because it would take too long for me to explian everyones sides of the story. Lately I've been addicted to the latest installment of Voyager (Season DVDs, if you must know). Voyager has to be my favorite iteration of the Star Trek universe ^_^ (yes, I am a little bit of a trekkie ;P). I've also finally got the creative juices flowing again, and just finished up my first
picture since Christmas ^_^ I feel so happy ^_^ (Even though I really don't like it's legs.. ahh well, I think over all, I did rather well, seeing as it's the first time I've done multi-pencil-grade shadings... Need to get some more pencils, though, seeing as I have only even grades of pencils X.x). But it feels good to be drawing again :) I think I'll start another picture tonight (that is, if I don't get distracted by Voyager again ;P
Anywho, I'm off! Go visit the new
picture and tell me what you think!